Oct. 15 deadline approaches for taxpayers who requested extensions to file 2020 tax returns.
Taxpayers can file now and schedule their federal tax payments up to the October 15 due date.
Daniel Ahart Tax Service® prepares all tax returns, helps solve tax problems, and prepares back taxes. 22 Area Locations in Georgia.
Although October 15 is the last day for most people to file, some taxpayers may have more time.
They include:
- Members of the military and others serving in a combat zone. They typically have 180 days after they leave the combat zone to file returns and pay any taxes due.
- Taxpayers in federally declared disaster areas who already had valid extensions. For details, see the disaster relief page on IRS.gov.
As published on IRS.gov, there is usually no penalty for failure to file if the taxpayer is due a refund. However, people who wait too long to file and claim a refund, risk losing it altogether. Those who have yet to file a 2020 tax return, owe tax, and did not request an extension can generally avoid additional penalties and interest by filing the return as soon as possible and paying any taxes owed.
What about a tax checkup for year 2021?
This is also definitely a good time for filers to prepare for next year’s tax season by reviewing withholdings, retirement contributions, child tax credits, unemployment income and more.
With recent law changes, there are new things to monitor as the year progresses. A tax checkup or tax audit by a firm like Daniel Ahart Tax Service would show if you’re on track and may uncover ways to save over the next months,” says Daniel Ahart, chief tax officer at the tax preparation company Daniel Ahart Tax Service®

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